23 January 2015

Camping chairs in the classroom? Yes!

Every year I seem to want to find some way to change up my classroom. This year I added camping chairs to my room. I’ve been using them during our silent reading time. I’ll admit, at first I was really skeptical. Best case scenario - the kids will love reading in them and take care of them. Worst case scenario – it won’t work and my family will have a new set of chairs for ballgames! I figured that I couldn’t lose and bought 6 chairs from WalMart for $6 a piece at the end of the summer. I really thought that the chairs would be heading home before mid-September. However, the kids LOVE them and have taken really good care of them. It has been 6 months now and believe it or not, there have been ZERO accidents with them – and they are all still in one piece! I was certain that at least one of the kiddos would fall out of them (I know that I’ve done that myself at ball games J).

However, I think that we’ve avoided accidents by discussing the ground rules for the chairs before we ever used them. Rules for using the camping chairs:

·         They may be used for READING only

·         Absolutely no leaning

·         You may not use one near someone else (you have to have your own space)

·         You have to carry it to your destination (no dragging them across the floor)

·         They must be folded correctly and placed back in the crate


Like anything else in the elementary classroom, the rules must be discussed and demonstrated several times. They are definitely going to be a part of my classroom for years to come!


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