29 September 2015

Time Order Words for Expository Writing

Our first writing piece of the year is an expository writing. I always teach time order words before we start this piece of writing. I like using time order words because it tends to give my young writers a sense of direction. This poster serves as a great reminder of time order words that my second graders can use!

16 September 2015

What is a Scientist?

One of our first lessons in Science is about scientists. It comes after our lessons over Science Tools and Lab Safety. ALL of us are scientists! When students are exploring the world around them – they are scientists! In primary grades, we explore the basics of what being a scientist means. We explore the different ways that they use their body to explore the world around them. One of their favorite projects is drawing themselves as scientists.  I always draw an example of myself as an example…

Safety goggles are a MUST! Remember to dress as a scientist would dress. I also have them label their scientists to show me how they can use their bodies to explore in Science. These are always some of the first pictures that we display in the hallway for the school year.

I was especially excited to start this unit this year because I revised my entire “What is a Scientist Unit.” It is much more teacher and student friendly! You can find it in the link below.

02 September 2015

Interactive Notebook Storage

I learned real quickly after I started using interactive notebooks that they could NOT be stored in the students’ desks. If they stored them in their desks, they would constantly get them mixed up with their writing journals or other interactive notebooks. I store our interactive notebooks fairly easily. I currently have them on the back counter in my room (simply because that is where I happen to have room for them this year).

Another helpful tip that I have learned is to have students simply stack them in the middle of their tables (or desks) when they are done. I always collect them by table. This ensures that passing them back out is a quick process!